Focused Marketing - Coloured Squares

Mrs Clucks

Retainer | Graphic Design | Marketing Assets | Business Cards


Mrs Clucks is a brand of pasture eggs established in South Australia and Queensland, sourcing eggs from open paddock roaming hens. Mrs Clucks had also licensed special chicken campervans to support egg production. The Coopecabana chicken campervan is locally designed and manufactured in Australia, powered by solar panels, and utilises intuitive design for the housing of free range chickens in open pasture.

Focused Marketing was engaged to pitch their high quality brand of eggs to potential stockists, restaurants and cafes, as well as promote the Coopecabana investment opportunity.


Focused Marketing redeveloped the Mrs Clucks brand by refreshing the logo and colour palette, while keeping Mrs Clucks’ signature shade of hot pink. We designed a suite of marketing assets such as business cards, flyers and brochures.

We worked closely with the client to write and design a 42-page Information Memorandum detailing the Coopecabana investment.


The Information Memorandum was supplied in a digital format for easy emailing to investors, with an editable form that submitted the document back to the client’s email.

Mrs Clucks sales continue to burgeon, as the brand experiences growth and expands egg production both in Queensland and interstate.