4 reasons you need brand guidelines

  A clear and consistent visual identity is essential to the success of any thriving business. Your visual identity communicates your brand personality, sets you apart from competitors, makes your product or service recognisable, and establishes professionalism...

5 B2B marketing trends to watch in 2023

Over the last month the team here at Focused Marketing have been discussing what we think is in store for 2023 on the B2B marketing front. With a risk of showing my age, as a Gen X I still think straightforward messaging and practical solutions will always stand you...

The first step to stop butchering your brand

One of the easiest ways to maintain brand consistency is with quality templates. It’s not rocket science, but you’d be amazed at how many businesses either don’t do this or don’t do this well. Here at Focused Marketing, we will never stop advising our clients on the...

6 reasons to keep your CV updated

Why would you need a CV if you are not planning to change jobs? Your CV or resume is a necessary document when you are job hunting. It’s a summary of your employment history, skills, and qualifications, and should be up to date and ready at a moment’s notice. But what...